- タイ、過密状態の刑務所で2万2000人以上がコロナ陽性(AFPBB News) - goo ニュース news.goo.ne.jp/article/afpbb/… posted at 10:15:50
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The renovated Temple District of Historic Nauvoo was dedicated on Saturday by Elder @CookQuentinL. Learn more about the place where, as one historian says, the “Latter-day Saint concept of eternal life was defined” in the 1840s. newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/elder-… posted at 10:16:19
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: In the latest #HearHim video, Elder @Ulisses__Soares shares an experience he had while serving as a mission president when the Lord spoke to him “in a warm and strong way.” pic.twitter.com/6snGV9GSvG posted at 10:16:26
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The Church’s Board of Education has appointed Brian K. Ashton as the new president of BYU–Pathway Worldwide, effective August 1, 2021. newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/byu-pa… posted at 10:16:33
- 令和三年五月25日のつぶやき blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… @duriannaganoより posted at 17:50:04
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和三年五月25日のつぶやき duriannagano.blogspot.com/2021/05/blog-p… posted at 17:50:40
- はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ 令和三年五月25日のつぶやき - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/05/… posted at 17:50:50
- ミャンマーの孤児ら栄養不足に、宣教師「食べさせてあげたいが」…軍への抗議で経済が停滞(読売新聞) - goo ニュース news.goo.ne.jp/article/yomiur… posted at 02:48:55
- RT @thebookofmormon: As we reach out to those around us, God can help us to “ease [their] burdens” and find joy together (see Mosiah 24:13–16). What’s one thing you can do to help someone else this week? Artwork: “Broken & Beautiful” used with permission by the artist, Lacey Zubia Christenson pic.twitter.com/5ajsUk080g posted at 02:49:09