- 令和五年八月14日と15日のつぶやき blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 07:51:42
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和五年八月14日と15日のつぶやき duriannagano.blogspot.com/2023/08/blog-p… posted at 07:54:06
- はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ 令和五年八月14日と15日のつぶやき - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/08/… posted at 07:54:25
- RT @ChurchinCanada: "The Lord's entire work and glory pertains to the immortality and eternal life of each human being. He came into the world to do the will of His Father, who sent Him. " President Russell M. Nelson pic.twitter.com/0WKB6sb9mU posted at 07:56:11
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “Is the Saviour saying to us, if you could see yourself as I see you, your doubt would fade and your faith increase. I love you. I will always be there to lift you from the depths, and your offering will be made perfect.” Elder Vern P. Stanfill pic.twitter.com/7QDKTYKYKI posted at 07:56:22
- 【ビブリオエッセー】とてつもない挑戦始まる 「ニューギニア水平垂直航海記」峠恵子(小学館文庫) www.sankei.com/article/202308… @Sankei_newsより posted at 22:40:40
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray always, lest ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away captive by him.” President Dallin H. Oaks pic.twitter.com/wS5Mn6RnFi posted at 22:42:14
- RT @the_churchnews: At a Provo MTC devotional, Elder @BednarDavidA speaks of repentance requiring the Redeemer, a sincere heart and real intent, and a connection with ordinances, covenants and the Holy Ghost. www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2023/8… posted at 22:42:21