- RT @ChurchinCanada: “The source of our spiritual power is the Lord! The ultimate source of spiritual power is God our Father. The messenger of this power is the Holy Ghost...” - President Russell M Nelson posted at 17:33:18
- 今どきは1バーツ=4円で計算~20年ぶりの円安水準でタイ旅行の支出増? www.thaich.net/news/20220613g… posted at 17:33:03
- RT @the_churchnews: Through a collaboration with the Church and Yayasan @PeduliTuna (which translates as Limb for the Limbless Center), more than 500 people have received prosthetic limbs. www.thechurchnews.com/global/2022/9/… posted at 17:16:51
- RT @the_churchnews: The Friend to Friend broadcast in November, titled “My Heavenly Father Loves Me,” will feature activities, music and messages from the Primary general presidency. www.thechurchnews.com/members/2022/9… posted at 17:16:45
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “The Holy Ghost is calm, clear, and comforting. It gives specific guidance to bring you peace and hope. It works in perfect unity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ…” Elder José A. Teixeira posted at 17:13:51
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: About 1.6 million people are receiving much-needed food from the @WFP thanks to a US$32 million donation from @Ch_JesusChrist. pic.twitter.com/OS4G64BtZ4 posted at 17:13:43
- はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ 令和四年九月前半のつぶやき - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2022/09/… posted at 17:13:05
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和四年九月前半のつぶやき duriannagano.blogspot.com/2022/09/blog-p… posted at 17:12:53
- 令和四年九月三日、五日、九日、十日と14日のつぶやき blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 17:12:00
- 令和四年九月一日のつぶやき blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 17:11:23
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “We have been inspired by servants of the Lord. We have received important direction for the future. My prayer is that the Spirit has spoken to you directly about things the Lord would have you do.” www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 16:42:24
- RT @the_churchnews: #GeneralConference is 14 days away. Here is a summary of what Elder @ChristoffDTodd said in his talk during April 2022 general conference. www.thechurchnews.com/2022/4/3/23217… posted at 16:42:21
- RT @the_churchnews: Readers shared how they repaired relationships, let go of anger and also forgave themselves by following President @NelsonRussellM when he invited listeners “to seek an end to a personal conflict that has weighed you down.” www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 16:42:14
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “This is how we offer our whole souls—by sacrificing anything that’s holding us back and consecrating the rest to the Lord and His purposes.” Elder Uchtdorf #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 16:41:59
- RT @the_churchnews: During the week of Sept. 11-17, President @OaksDallinH spoke at @BYU’s devotional, Elder @CookQuentinL spoke to Ukrainian Church members, and Elder @Ulisses__Soares and Sister Soares returned to Portugal. www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2022/9… posted at 16:41:55
- RT @the_churchnews: President @OaksDallinH said the “Forgotten Man” painting in his office “speaks to me and reminds me of things that I need to remember.” www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 16:41:51
- 令和四年敬老の日に行う連絡 - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2022/09/… posted at 16:41:42
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “I promise that individually and collectively we will be blessed to “stand in holy places and shall not be moved.” " Surely, “in the days of trial his Saints he will cheer and prosper the cause of truth." Elder Bednar #JesusChrist abn.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 16:41:33
- RT @thebookofmormon: The Lord tells Isaiah, “I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee” (Isaiah 42:6). pic.twitter.com/EJrOwhfKOp posted at 16:41:20
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和四年敬老の日に行う連絡 duriannagano.blogspot.com/2022/09/blog-p… posted at 16:40:32
- 令和四年敬老の日に行う連絡 blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 16:39:36
- 台湾南東部の地震、1人死亡・140人超負傷 建物倒壊や列車脱線も reut.rs/3Unotjo posted at 22:58:37
- メキシコ有名ビーチリゾート近くでM7.0の地震 news.tv-asahi.co.jp/news_internati… posted at 22:58:51
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “Please do not fear or delay repenting.Satan delights in your misery.Cut it short.The Savior loves us always but especially when we repent.He promised that though“the mountains shall depart,and the hills be removed..my kindness shall not depart from thee." www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:59:05
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “I promise that as we create places of security, prepare our minds to be faithful to God, and never stop preparing, God will bless us. He will “deliver us; yea, insomuch that he [will] speak peace to our souls, and [will] grant unto us great faith,..." www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:59:11
- RT @the_churchnews: First Presidency announced Oct. 8 groundbreaking date for the Heber Valley Utah Temple, with Elder Duncan to preside. www.thechurchnews.com/temples/2022/9… posted at 22:59:17
- RT @the_churchnews: Church members and missionaries are safe and accounted for in the Caribbean and are now reaching out to help their neighbors after widespread flooding. www.thechurchnews.com/global/2022/9/… posted at 22:59:28
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “when we give our hearts to God, we are rescued from the raging seas of this life, and in the process we are refined and purified through the Atonement of Christ and become “children of Christ,” being spiritually “born of Him.” Elder Gavarret #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:59:32
- RT @the_churchnews: #GeneralConference is 12 days away. Here is a summary of what Sister Amy A. Wright said in her talk during April 2022 general conference. www.thechurchnews.com/2022/4/3/23217… posted at 22:59:38
- RT @LDSLivingMag: Jesus wept, and so can I: Why we don’t always have to be happy ift.tt/o7GPh3T posted at 22:59:43
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “... we have so much to look forward to! The Lord placed you here now because...He knew you had the capacity to negotiate the complexities of...these latter days...He knew you would grasp the grandeur of His work and be eager to help bring it to pass.” abn.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:59:50
- RT @LDSLivingMag: Heber Valley Utah Temple rendering + location, Teton River Idaho Temple location announced ift.tt/IBU5Mji posted at 22:59:58
- 国軍攻撃で子ども6人死亡 ミャンマー、学校標的(共同通信) - goo ニュース news.goo.ne.jp/article/kyodo_… posted at 23:41:41
- RT @the_churchnews: #GeneralConference is 11 days away. Here is a summary of what Elder @StevensonGaryE said in his talk during April 2022 general conference. www.thechurchnews.com/2022/4/3/23217… posted at 23:41:58
- RT @the_churchnews: .@TheTabChoir at Temple Square’s “Spoken Word” tribute to Queen Elizabeth II by Lloyd Newell points to her faith, “grace and goodness.” www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 23:42:06
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “… our lives are sacred and have meaning and purpose.” Susan H. Porter #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 23:42:12
- RT @the_churchnews: Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace and Young Men General Presidency first counselor Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt shared ideas and experiences in Mexico. www.thechurchnews.com/global/2022/9/… posted at 23:42:19
- 元公安省次官に執行猶予付き死刑判決 中国共産党大会控え“政敵”排除で党内引き締めか|TBS NEWS DIG youtu.be/fCutxl9EBUs @YouTubeより posted at 22:30:08
- 元公安省次官に執行猶予付き死刑判決 中国共産党大会控え“政敵”排除で党内引き締めか|TBS NEWS DIG blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… @duriannaganoより posted at 22:34:16
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 元公安省次官に執行猶予付き死刑判決 中国共産党大会控え“政敵”排除で党内引き締めか|TBS NEWS... duriannagano.blogspot.com/2022/09/tbsnew… posted at 22:34:56
- はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ 元公安省次官に執行猶予付き死刑判決 中国共産党大会控え“政敵”排除で党内引き締めか|TBS NEWS DIG - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2022/09/… posted at 22:35:37
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “God promised He would, out of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, guide prophets, give an iron rod, open a narrow gate leading to a strait path, and above all grant us the power to finish the course.” Elder Holland #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:36:06
- RT @the_churchnews: Young Men General President Steven J. Lund spoke at a @BYU devotional about recognizing flashes of light throughout life which help heaven seem a bit closer. www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 22:36:14
- RT @LDSLivingMag: The most important change in the Church is yet to happen ift.tt/xBnGWXb posted at 22:36:33
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “If you are willing, the Holy Ghost will guide you. Our Heavenly Father wants you to become His heir and receive all that He has. He cannot offer you more. He cannot promise you more. He loves you more than you know and wants you to be happy........." www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 22:36:41
- RT @the_churchnews: #GeneralConference is 8 days away. Here is a summary of what Elder Hugo E. Martinez said in his talk during April 2022 general conference. www.thechurchnews.com/2022/4/3/23217… posted at 22:36:47
- RT @the_churchnews: Brother Bradley R. Wilcox and Brother Milton Camargo trained and ministered to leaders and members in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2022/9… posted at 22:36:59
- ガラスの殺意 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:23:24
- 傘のさし方がわからない honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:24:14
- 偽りの報道 冤罪「モリ・カケ」事件と朝日新聞 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:25:18
- 永田町・霞が関とマスコミに巣食うクズなんてゴミ箱へ捨てろ! honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:27:38
- 徹底検証「森友・加計事件」 朝日新聞による戦後最大級の報道犯罪 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:28:22
- ブラック・ジャック創作秘話(少年チャンピオンC) 手塚治虫の仕事場から (SHŌNEN CHAMPION COMICS EXTRA) 5巻セット honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:30:32
- 春の雪 改版 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:38:52
- 暁の寺 改版 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:39:51
- 奔馬 改版 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:40:19
- 天人五衰 改版 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:41:26
- 泉鏡花『高野聖』作品論集 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:42:36
- 女たちのテロル honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:43:59
- 両手にトカレフ honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:44:21
- アーモンド honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:45:13
- 最も大切なボランティアは、自分自身が一生懸命に生きること honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 16:46:15
- RT @ChurchinCanada: ”When those moments come and issues surface, the resolution of which is not immediately forthcoming, hold fast to what you already know and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.” Elder Holland #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 16:46:36
- ケーキの切れない非行少年たち honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 21:11:27
- 牧師、閉鎖病棟に入る。 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 21:12:13
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “Making a covenant with God changes our relationship forever with Him..It blesses us with an extra measure of love...It affects who we are and how God will help us become what we can become. We are promised that we, can be a “peculiar treasure” unto Him” www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/… posted at 21:12:35
- 約束の日 安倍晋三試論 honto.jp/netstore/pd-bo… posted at 08:15:46
- RT @ChurchinCanada: "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives." 'The First Commandment First' Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speeches.byu.edu/talks/d-todd-c… @ChristoffDTodd
@BYUSpeeches #God #Priorities #life posted at 08:17:30
- アウン・スー・チー氏に新たに禁錮3年、刑期合計23年に…豪州人研究者も収監へ(読売新聞) - goo ニュース news.goo.ne.jp/article/yomiur… posted at 23:32:43
- RT @ChurchinCanada: "When we love God first, we see the world and our lives through His eyes rather than through the eyes of any other person..." 'The First Commandment First' Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speeches.byu.edu/talks/d-todd-c… @ChristoffDTodd @BYUSpeeches posted at 23:32:58
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The October 2022 World Report is now available. Learn about the Church’s global humanitarian and ministry efforts, as well as the additional houses of the Lord announced by President Nelson. #GeneralConference
newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/octobe… pic.twitter.com/poFbajDcyf posted at 23:33:16 - 【なぜ今?】「コンビニ」中国で出店加速のワケ SNS「日本のコンビニの食べ物好き」(2022年9月29日) youtu.be/lXJxe7JEPqs @YouTubeより posted at 23:52:34
- 【独自】「至近距離から」ミャンマー・長井健司さん銃撃から15年 解剖医が初証言 (2022年9月27日) youtu.be/Gtoa1nlwQb8 @YouTubeより posted at 23:58:35
- RT @the_churchnews: The October 2022 edition of the World Report that will be shown in between general conference sessions is now available on YouTube. www.thechurchnews.com/global/2022/9/… posted at 00:05:46