- メキシコの刑務所を武装集団が襲撃 14人死亡 24人が脱走か(2023年1月2日) youtu.be/rpsQ60P33Zo @YouTubeより posted at 09:36:26
- 米カリフォルニア州で洪水被害2人死亡 サンフランシスコでは史上2番目の大雨(2023年1月2日) youtu.be/99RoE_d_IPM @YouTubeより posted at 09:37:46
- RT @the_churchnews: The music video for the 2023 youth theme song “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” was released today. Watch it here. www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 09:38:10
- RT @the_churchnews: A day after a $10 million donation from @Ch_JesusChrist, a forum in Dakar, Senegal, brought together African heads of state to discuss increasing childhood immunizations. www.thechurchnews.com/global/2023/1/… posted at 08:41:20
- 米で記録的大雨…河川氾濫で町はまるで“海”車水没2人死亡 気候変動が原因か(2023年1月4日) youtu.be/wA_UZCyrqRk @YouTubeより posted at 08:41:26
- 麻薬王の息子拘束でメキシコ混乱 組織の報復激化(2023年1月6日) youtu.be/YugbOeRCmC4 @YouTubeより posted at 23:41:58
- RT @ChurchinCanada: “Over the years and throughout most of the world, I have testified that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Light of the World. It is a privilege for us to come unto Him, to follow Him, and to feel His light in our lives.” President M. Russell Ballard www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/… pic.twitter.com/JMqgksRuqI posted at 23:42:11