- RT @the_churchnews: President @NelsonRussellM of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints commemorated the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni’s first visit to Joseph Smith on social media. Here’s what he said. www.thechurchnews.com/leaders/2023/9… posted at 09:01:48
- 令和五年九月下旬の連絡 blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 09:02:50
- 令和五年九月17日と22日のつぶやき blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/… #gooblog posted at 09:03:20
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和五年九月下旬の連絡 duriannagano.blogspot.com/2023/09/blog-p… posted at 09:04:51
- ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和五年九月17日と22日のつぶやき duriannagano.blogspot.com/2023/09/blog-p… posted at 09:05:16
- 令和五年九月下旬の連絡 - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/09/… posted at 09:05:54
- 令和五年九月17日と22日のつぶやき - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/09/… posted at 09:06:18
- RT @the_churchnews: Recent events in the Church of Jesus Christ reflect President @NelsonRussellM's words about the increasing reach and influence of the Church and its members. www.thechurchnews.com/living-faith/2… posted at 09:09:35
- RT @the_churchnews: In honor of the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni’s first appearance to Joseph Smith on Sept. 21-22, the Church News has compiled testimonies of the Book of Mormon given by each member of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as well as the presidents of the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/EaFH9BjHyY posted at 09:10:03
- RT @StevensonGaryE: May I today, on this 200th anniversary of the revealing of the existence of the gold plates that became the Book of Mormon, add my testimony that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. pic.twitter.com/YyAvBTi6iE posted at 09:12:31
- 少々、紛らわしいアカウントがございました。それについてはミュートしました。 敬具 管理人マーキュリーマーク posted at 09:14:10
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: Some 150,000 students are filling the higher education offerings of the Church of Jesus Christ this year—more than any previous year. “There is tremendous momentum in the Church Educational System,” said CES Commissioner Elder Clark G. Gilbert. Read more on Newsroom.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/5bDdEi1qdM posted at 23:44:16
- RT @the_churchnews: Since becoming President of the Church in January 2018, President @NelsonRussellM has announced locations for 133 temples. These sacred sites will serve as a place of worship, reflection and spiritual growth for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Of the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/rgfUmusB8W posted at 23:44:22
- ひざまで水が…豪雨でタイ市場“冠水” 「高い所へ」インドで湖氾濫“交通網マヒ”(2023年9月27日) youtu.be/7Gz95guwTQM?si… @YouTubeより posted at 23:44:44
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: Hungarian President @KatalinNovak_HU addressed students and faculty @BYU in Provo, Utah, on Tuesday to share her insights on faith and family. She also met with the First Presidency. “If you don’t have future generations, there is no reason in saving our planet,” President Novák… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/LipmnYgP9U posted at 08:30:50
- RT @ChurchinCanada: President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “Just think of it: You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious being in the universe! You are loved by the king of infinite space and everlasting time!” #JesusChrist www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-… posted at 08:30:53
- 止まらぬ円安1ドル=150円に迫る 海外生活を円で換算すると…各支局員が取材(2023年9月27日) youtu.be/83fcAFWyKVQ?si… @YouTubeより posted at 08:31:27
- RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The October 2023 edition of the World Report, a semiannual compilation of news from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is now available. Tap below to watch. youtu.be/u5QhRnPLVys?si… posted at 08:31:57
- RT @ChurchinCanada: "Some of God’s children live as though they are not planning on dying...... Are we making decisions for eternity or for today only? We cannot set our priorities on the temporal things of this world and be prepared for the eternal things of the next world." www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/… posted at 08:32:04