2020年08月24日(月)8 tweetssource
バンコク楽宮ホテル(電子復刻版) / 谷恒生【著】 <電子版> - 紀伊國屋書店ウェブストア|オンライン書店|本、雑誌の通販、電子書籍ストア https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/f/dsg-08-9900164253…
posted at 20:07:34
Russell M. Nelson@NelsonRussellM
To each of you I say, foster your faith. Fix your focus with an eye single to the glory of God. “Be strong and of a good courage” (Joshua 1:6), and you will be given power and protection from on high.
Retweeted by ドリアン長野(紹介用)
retweeted at 20:08:02
令和二年八月第四月曜日の連絡 https://blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/e/4ad20da9487f7f8eb9d4c1d9974c4428… @duriannaganoより
posted at 20:28:19
ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和二年八月第四月曜日の連絡 https://duriannagano.blogspot.com/2020/08/blog-post_24.html?spref=tw…
posted at 20:29:16
はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ
令和二年八月第四月曜日の連絡 - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 https://duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/24/202731…
posted at 20:30:01
令和二年八月23日のつぶやき https://blog.goo.ne.jp/durian-nagano/e/3be388a8c31341a6774b28d710a25146… @duriannaganoより
posted at 20:34:09
ブロガー版ドリアン長野のランニングな日々: 令和二年八月23日のつぶやき https://duriannagano.blogspot.com/2020/08/blog-post_88.html?spref=tw…
posted at 20:34:24
はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ
令和二年八月23日のつぶやき - ドリアン長野のカレー三昧 https://duriannaganokarate.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/24/203258…
posted at 20:34:35
2020年08月29日(土)5 tweetssource
The Church of Jesus Christ of @Ch_JesusChrist
The humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Latter-day Saint Charities, has donated nearly $2 million to provide desperately needed food and medical supplies to people in Lebanon in response to the August 4, 2020 explosion.
Retweeted by ドリアン長野(紹介用)
retweeted at 10:37:15
アジア系住民への差別も増加…米で進む分断 #日テレNEWS24 #日テレ #ntv https://www.news24.jp/articles/2020/08/27/10708228.html…
posted at 10:37:29
The Book of Mormon@BookMormon2day
Do not say: O God, I thank thee that we are better than our brethren; but rather say: O Lord, forgive my unworthiness, and remember my brethren in mercy—yea, acknowledge your unworthiness before God at all times. - #Alma 38:14 #truth
Retweeted by ドリアン長野(紹介用)
retweeted at 10:37:47
The Church of Jesus Christ of @Ch_JesusChrist
The First Presidency has announced a new system that allows Church members to send the names of individuals in need directly to the temple, where those names can be included in prayers of faith.
Retweeted by ドリアン長野(紹介用)
retweeted at 10:37:56
The Church of Jesus Christ of @Ch_JesusChrist
Beginning August 31, 2020, an additional 20 temples will begin Phase 2 of operation. By that day, 68 temples will be in Phase 2 and a total of 139 temples will have reopened.
Retweeted by ドリアン長野(紹介用)
retweeted at 10:38:05